FORM: Special COVID Ortonville Restaurant Hours & Info

With the renewal of the COVID related restrictions on our restaurants and bars, the City and the Ortonville EDA would like to offer a page on our website for listings to help residents find out what your current hours, offerings, specials, menus, etc. to make it easier to connect with you. If you’d like to have your Ortonville restaurant listed and promoted here, please fill out this form.

Type of food - gift certificates available, etc.
example: Monday - Closed Tuesday 3-8pm
Example 123 Main Street, Ortonville

Tree Dump Open Extra Hours!

Great weather – extra time for any yard clean-up!

Voting – How to Vote in Ortonville

There have been a few wondering where and how to vote in the City of Ortonville.

Ortonville Precinct 1 voters can vote in person at the armory building.  (or use the County website link below for other options)

Ortonville Precinct 2 voters are now in a mail ballot precinct and all registered voters were mailed their ballots.  They will NOT be voting at the armory.   If they want to vote in person, they can bring their ballot and vote at the Auditor’s Office.  P-2 voters that are not registered,  should contact the Auditor’s Office to make sure they have the correct proof of residence before coming in to vote.

Voting hours at the Auditor’s Office are 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday – Friday with extended hours as follows:

                Saturday, October 31                    10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

                Monday, November 2                   until 5:00 PM

                Election Day, November 3rd         8:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Any questions should be directed to the Auditor’s Office at 839-6366.

For additional information, the Big Stone County Website is a great source for election informatioLINK:

See this map to locate Precinct 1 and Precinct 2: 

Reminder to Residents!

You can pick up your free light bulbs at the City Office!

Filing for Elected Positions


For the November 3, 2020

Election for the City of Ortonville

 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that candidates for the following elected offices must file between Tuesday, July 28, 2020  and  by 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at the City Office located at 315 Madison Avenue.  Any qualified voter of the City of Ortonville may file for candidacy by filing an affidavit of candidacy (available at City Hall) and paying a filing fee of $2.00 to the City of Ortonville.

1 Mayor – 4 Year Term

3 Council Members-4-Year Terms Each


Charleen Grossman, City Clerk-Administrator

Ortonville, Minnesota



Pool will Open July 1st

The Swimming Pool will open this Wednesday, July 1st, from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

The pool has a public Facebook Group where you can find all the latest information  LINK:

For information on all our parks, please check our Parks & Rec page, here on the website.  LINK:

Videos – Summer Rec 2020

Thank you to those that have submitted videos!  

For Businesses “How-to” Videos check this LINK
For family/youth-created instructional videos, you can submit by emailing them to Jill Dale at  [email protected] or you can upload them to this dropbox folder:  LINK to upload video:

Below.. Robotics!

RippinRockets, PDF Material/Directions

Day One, City-wide Cleanup! Success.

I stopped up to the City Garage to see how day one had gone  – wow!  Successful.  (They did ask what took me so long to stop up to help… I thought 2:00 – when the work was winding down was perfect timing!  🙂 )

The set-up worked great – they had stations (dumpsters) in different areas in a circle around the Shop area for the various materials they were accepting and the people helping were spread out at each of the stations to assist those who were dropping off items.  Bill Powell and his grandson were out early picking up items from those that were unable to transport their items themselves)  So it was smooth from entrance to exit for vehicles going one direction and one at a time.  I did ask if they’d gather in two groups for a photo – but the photos were both quick and they were back to their stations.  (so, the photos may not be the best angle of everyone – but quick was my goal!)

Everyone was so happy that people were taking advantage of the clean-up – Huge KUDOS to the Committee:  Gayle Mittelsteadt, Verda Bartz, Bill Powell, and Councilman Paul Radermacher.

Day Two is tomorrow from 9:00 to 3:00 p.m.


City Crew – great weather for some projects!

With the Governor’s Executive Orders, playground equipment has been off-limits in the parks – but it was sure great to drive by Lakeseide Park and see that the woodchips have been replaced with pea rock – I can hardly wait to see kids back in there enjoying the equipment!

The crew has also been working on the new backstops at the ball field – and are now completing the fencing that goes with that.  Also, at the ballpark, they’ve been rebuilding the wooden shed which stores all of the summer rec equipment.

But… today, they are helping with the City-wide Cleanup Day!  The City received 165 requests for pickup.  Hats off to the Committee of Gayle Mittelsteadt, Bill Powell, and Councilman Radermacher… and of course to the City crew and everyone helping with the pickup/disposal.

Video – Showcase your Talents

Send (upload) an instructional video to this Dropbox Folder (link below) to help our community youth learn your craft.  This can be as fun and unique as you want to make it!  Need help making the video?  We can help!  Contact Jill via the contact form below.

LINK to upload video:


Please let us know if you want to participate!  Complete the contact form below for Director Jill Dale:

[contact-form to=”[email protected]” subject=”SUMMER REC VIDEO”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Phone Number” type=”text”][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]