

City Office:
437 N Minnesota Street
Ortonville, MN  56278
Phone:  320-839-3428

Call or complete the form below to email – for any questions or concerns

[contact-form to=”[email protected]” subject=”WEBSITE INQUIRY”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]

City Council
Contact Council Member/City Employee/Department and Boards (PDF)
City Council Meetings and Agendas
Council Meeting Videos (Leaving City Website)
City Charter (PDF)Charter
Ordinance & Zoning Map (complete list)
Area Employment Opportunities

Additional City-governed Connections
Community Center 
Airport (AirNav: KVVV)
Ortonville Area Health Services
(Hospital, Ortonville and Clinton Clinics, Senior Housing)
Ortonville Economic Development Authority
Parks and Recreation Information LINK

2022 Energy Star Rebates 
LED screw-in bulb, smart thermostat, air purifier/cleaner, dehumidifier (portable only),
roof air conditioner, clothes washer, heat-pump water heater… click above link for details!

Rebate Heating and Cooling Incentive for BUSINESS CUSTOMERS

Rebate Lighting Retrofit Incentive BUSINESS CUSTOMERS

Electric Water Heater Rebate form-fillable (directions below)

To utilize fillable forms directions:

  • Click on the link of the form (below) & download the form to your computer.
  • Open from your computer and complete the application.
  • Save the completed form.
  • Open your email, attach this form and email to the City at [email protected]