Category: News

City Council LIVE on Zoom 4/20/2020

Hi there, You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Apr 20, 2020 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Topic: City Council 4-20-20 If on your cell phone, you’ll need to download the Zoom App from your app store before clicking on the… Continue Reading “City Council LIVE on Zoom 4/20/2020”

Ortonville City-Wide Cleanup Day

Attention residents of the City of Ortonville!!  On May 15 and May 16, the City of Ortonville will conduct the First Annual Cleanup Ortonville Day!  The City will provide several large dumpsters in which you may bring many of those things you have been… Continue Reading “Ortonville City-Wide Cleanup Day”

2020 Summer Rec Survey

Please help us as we plan for the 2020 Summer Rec Program! [contact-form to=”[email protected]” subject=”SUMMER REC SURVEY”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name”][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Would you like practices at day or night?” type=”radio” options=”Day,Night”][contact-field label=”Would you like games to be at day or night?” type=”radio” options=”Day,Night”][contact-field… Continue Reading “2020 Summer Rec Survey”

City Offices and building Closed To Public

March 23, 2020 The City of Ortonville will be closing the City Office, City Shop, Community Center and Public Rest Room to the PUBLIC effective at 8:00 A.M. March 24, 2020 until further notice.  City staff will remain working and can be contacted by… Continue Reading “City Offices and building Closed To Public”

2020 Census – It is Important to our Community

Thank you to the Ortonville Kiwanis for agreeing to represent Ortonville as the Complete Count Committee (CCC)!  If you have questions, the core Kiwanis group assigned to this effort consists of Wanda Berry, John Thomas, and Vanessa Lhotka Meyer.  Vicki Oakes of the Ortonville… Continue Reading “2020 Census – It is Important to our Community”

Looking for Volunteers – Home Water Testing

The City of Ortonville water department is looking for volunteers to have their home water tested for lead and copper.  We need about 10-15 homes.  The criteria are that it has to be from a hard water faucet that gets used regularly/daily.  It has… Continue Reading “Looking for Volunteers – Home Water Testing”

Road Construction by City Office

Sorry for the inconvenience this may be causing!

Utility Bills

Road Construction. Utility bill payments can be dropped off at the City Office (there is two-way traffic on Third Street in front of the Police Department now) or you can drop them at Cenbank or Minnwest Bank.

Reminder: Water Pipes

A reminder to those that have had issues with water pipes freezing in the past – running water through the pipe – even at a trickle – helps to prevent pipes from freezing.

Plowing & Sanding Roads in Ortonville

We are now in the “Before New Year’s Day Blizzard” just after we finished clean-up from the “After Christmas Blizzard” – please, if you have to travel, do so with caution! News Release from Big Stone County Emergency Management this morning(if you have a… Continue Reading “Plowing & Sanding Roads in Ortonville”