Please help us as we plan for the 2020 Summer Rec Program!
[contact-form to=”[email protected]” subject=”SUMMER REC SURVEY”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name”][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Would you like practices at day or night?” type=”radio” options=”Day,Night”][contact-field label=”Would you like games to be at day or night?” type=”radio” options=”Day,Night”][contact-field label=”What activities would you like to continue?” type=”text”][contact-field label=”What are some new activities you would like to see for youth?” type=”text”][contact-field label=”What activities would you like to see for adults?” type=”text”][contact-field label=”Would there be any interest in lap swims at the swimming pool in the mornings?” type=”radio” options=”Yes,No”][contact-field label=”Would there be interest in having Teen Night at the swimming pool more often?” type=”radio” options=”Yes,No”][/contact-form]