Category: News

NEW! Business & Non-Profit Relief Grants

Big Stone County has approved Big Stone Area Growth (BSAG) to administer the $250,000 available for businesses & non-profits within the County. Application Deadline is February 8, 2021 Funds will be awarded by March 15, 2021 for Application & Guidelines go to the… Continue Reading “NEW! Business & Non-Profit Relief Grants”

Tree Dump Open Extra Hours!

Great weather – extra time for any yard clean-up!

Voting – How to Vote in Ortonville

There have been a few wondering where and how to vote in the City of Ortonville. Ortonville Precinct 1 voters can vote in person at the armory building.  (or use the County website link below for other options) Ortonville Precinct 2 voters are now… Continue Reading “Voting – How to Vote in Ortonville”

Reminder to Residents!

You can pick up your free light bulbs at the City Office!

Filing for Elected Positions

NOTICE OF FILING For the November 3, 2020 Election for the City of Ortonville  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that candidates for the following elected offices must file between Tuesday, July 28, 2020  and  by 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, at the City… Continue Reading “Filing for Elected Positions”

Pool will Open July 1st

The Swimming Pool will open this Wednesday, July 1st, from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. The pool has a public Facebook Group where you can find all the latest information  LINK: For information on all our parks, please check our Parks & Rec page,… Continue Reading “Pool will Open July 1st”

Day One, City-wide Cleanup! Success.

I stopped up to the City Garage to see how day one had gone  – wow!  Successful.  (They did ask what took me so long to stop up to help… I thought 2:00 – when the work was winding down was perfect timing!  🙂… Continue Reading “Day One, City-wide Cleanup! Success.”

City Crew – great weather for some projects!

With the Governor’s Executive Orders, playground equipment has been off-limits in the parks – but it was sure great to drive by Lakeseide Park and see that the woodchips have been replaced with pea rock – I can hardly wait to see kids back… Continue Reading “City Crew – great weather for some projects!”

Summer Rec & Swimming Pool 2020

The Council met Monday night with Summer Rec Directory, Jill Dale attending and a letter from Dr. Al Ross with recommendations on the Ortonville Swimming Pool. Summer Rec, Due to COVID-19, the Ortonville City Council has made the tough decision of canceling the Summer… Continue Reading “Summer Rec & Swimming Pool 2020”

Leaf Pickup Day

The leaf pickup day is May 13th! Please have your leaves bagged and at the curb by 7:00 a.m.